Clinics and Services




Patients wishing to attend a Medication Review, Well Woman/Man Clinic, Asthma Clinic or Diabetic Clinic should inform Reception staff who will refer you to the Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant as appropriate.

The information and results gained will be passed to your doctor for assessment.

image of a baby being examined


Our Services

  • Community Services: Our District Community Nurses are based at Cranbrook and can be contacted on (01580) 713 032.
  • Maternity Services: Our named Midwife, Trina Seal, can be contacted on 01892 638633 or 01892 633488 for appointments and all other queries. She is based out of Hawkhurst Cottage Hospital
  • Family Planning: All doctors can advise on all forms of contraception. Dr Blundell fits and removes Implanon (contraceptive implants) , IUCDs (Coils) and can fit diaphragms.
  • Child Vaccination & Immunisation: Child vaccination and immunisation clinics are held throughout the week on both sites.  Please contact your relevant branch to book your child immunisations.
  • Holiday / Routine Vaccinations: Our Nurse can provide health advice to patients going abroad and or needing vaccinations; typhoid, cholera, tetanus, polio, etc. please ring for an appointment. Our Dispensary can sell anti-malaria tablets.  If your trip involves numerous countries and or will be prolonged you might be advised to consult a specialist travel clinic. Find out more here
  • New Patient Health Checks: To facilitate good care we recommend all patients who register with us to complete a health questionnaire and to attend to have their height, weight, blood pressure and a sample of urine checked even if recently done elsewhere. This is best done by the health care assistant or nurse prior to seeing the doctor. Please contact the reception staff who will be happy to arrange these.
  • Spirometry: This service has now been re-instated and will be done by our Advanced Nurse Practitioner until further notice. This service is determined by our local contract, and may change in the future.
  • Road Traffic Accident GP Appointments: Please note there will be a charge for consultations to verify/ investigate injuries sustained during a RTA. If you plan to pursue a claim via your insurance company, you will be able to claim this cost back.